
For many years our greatest concern in engineering work has been the design and construction of important buildings that satisfy customers and it gives them a great deal of comfort in the projects that we have designed and supervised to implement with high credibility. Since 1995, when the architect, Al Saty, entered the first construction site in his life, he decided what he would be like his work in the future. He is currently working with his partners in La puerta to make these dreams a reality.  After obtaining a bachelor's degree in architecture and during his stay in Syria, he established an engineering office that included approximately 30 employees among technicians and technologists with distinguished professions and crafts and was able to design and create many projects and private residences that were a prominent point in his career. His academic experiment in late 2009 when he worked as a teaching assistant in the Faculty of Architecture increased his experience in creating modern buildings using high-quality local building materials. The years of war in Syria forced him to leave his country and leave it to Turkey and work there for two years, before moving in late 2015 to Germany to continue his engineering career in important companies in the country. His vision began to crystallize about the establishment of a new engineering office in Germany at the beginning of 2020, and despite the difficult procedures and the health situation in the world and the Routine procedures, he managed to pass the exams of the Business Academy in the state of Schleswig-Holstein IHK to officially announce the establishment of his own office at the end of the year under the name 

La puerta - Architekten.
Orientations and visual identity in La puerta
We at La puerta do not hide our influence and admiration for the architecture of the past generation of architects, we studied their ideas and orientations and loved their works such as Richard Meier, Le Corbusier, and Frank Lloyd Wright, but today we are looking to create a construction boom through contemporary architecture that uses technology, robots, smart home systems, and sustainable building materials to create a new concept in the Preservation of the environment. Shape patterns, size effect, location forces, and mass disparity are what will characterize our work the most. We believe that we are always open to authentic architecture with a visual identity that can always be distinguished among clients in the construction industry market. The white color is always present in our work, as we believe it gives the building purity from within and peace for all users of this place in addition to a mixture of other materials with concentrated colors that make up our identity, also daylight blending with interior spaces, and the wide windows openings that confirm our openness to all elements of the site while maintaining the possibility of permanent energy savings and sustainable natural alternatives in heating. 
Why should you choose us?
The activity of our office, with a distinguished creative team and long experience in the construction market, is focused on providing all flexible and modern solutions for business and engineering projects, including internal and external constructions for all buildings and landscaping works, so that this includes design work, preparation of initial and final plans for the project, supervision of implementation work, finishing works, interior decoration, and furniture design proposal. Our tireless follow-up of our clients from private companies and independent clients is always through building a partnership relationship with them and developing a vision for our ethical commitment towards them to reach the aspirations they are looking for.
Our Team
The conditions of the health situation that the world is witnessing in light of Covid 19 disease made us defy the difficulties and think in a different way to manage our business. Our journey commenced in 2020 starting in Kiel, northern Germany, and we focused on providing exceptional architectural services.  Our work in the company is focused on design work, developing ideas, and a work plan by architects and constructors, so that ideas and general directions for the project are exchanged and appropriate solutions are developed for that. We also work on drawing initial and final plans for the project and 3D modeling using the latest programs in the construction market and preparing a notebook Technical conditions to include types and quantities of materials. Our team is always enthusiastic to innovate everything new in the world of design and implementation. We proficiently communicate in  German, English, Turkish, Bahasa Indonesia and Arabic, which enables seamless communication with our customers.  We are always committed to the level of satisfaction and inspiration we give to our customers, we believe that it is one of the most important factors in building trust for any joint work. Pledge to punctuality and contract compliance, our team consistently meet deadlines and adheres to the terms outlined in agreements.

Quality by La puerta
The La puerta team gained their working experience through freelance work for many years as independent people, as well as on a team in small and large projects where we are made Designs for single-family homes, holiday homes by the sea, apartment buildings, primary Schools, new buildings for kindergartens, gyms and Industrial halls, office buildings, and high-rise buildings. Our work included Coordination with all parties involved in the project construction work ( engineers, builders, Municipal authorities, planners, and executing companies ) and also prepare the execution drawings and detailed drawings for electrical and plumbing, heating, ventilation. In particular, we offer modern designs and great solutions for apartments, public and commercial buildings. We are on the lookout for the latest materials and implementation methods in Germany and the world in general, and we are in constant contact with our customers to find the perfect solution. We understand the service and the quality that we provide to our customers based on the conviction of our employees in La puerta are creative and innovative to always meet the aspirations and dreams of our customers, without this constituting a compromise of the visual identity we want for our office, so that the designers supervise and control the engineering process and accompany our customers and guide them through all stages of the classic service and beyond, and this also includes economic thinking in the interest of the client and identifying alternatives and their outcomes. In La puerta  prepare the design and related cost decisions in advance that we achieve security and transparency in invoices, dates, and specifications of materials.
Domestic and international cooperation
In La puerta we also offer cooperation with independent architects and engineering companies working in the field of construction inside and outside Germany, in addition to technicians, technical experts, and independent handicraftsmen, we are always open to every new meaningful relationship of common interest to achieve significant success on the personal level and as individuals at the community and professional level To reach La Puerta 2025 visionOur goals from the very beginning were to attract real investors and regular customers for our various business styles. Our extended good relations within Germany and the European Union, in addition to Turkey and the Arab countries, allow us always to build bridges of communication through electronic platforms such as Zoom to conduct our periodic meetings from inside and outside Germany and enable us to follow up on the details of business progress with our engineering partners distributed in more than one country around the world. We have also worked during the past months to open communication channels with serious partners in the field of supplying building materials from within the European Union, Turkey, and China, and from the most famous international companies to secure supplies of building materials for our projects in Germany and the possibility of marketing these materials and exporting them to North African and Arab countries. We are serious about building long-term, credible relationships that will allow us to reserve a seat among the elders for the next five years.

Did it spark your interest ?
We are in constant contact with independent companies and individuals around the world to build a long-term partnership in the construction industry market, If you are a customer or a producer, we are always happy to contact us.

Germany, Scleswig-Holstein, Jachmannstr, 28- 24143, Kiel



Website designer by Architect Yahya Al Saty La puerta-Architekten.2024